Friday, November 12, 2004

Chuck Prophet

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Se podrían citar a Tom Petty, Keith Richards y Bob Dylan como padres del saber hacer heredado por Chuck Prophet, ex-miembro de Green onRed. Sin embargo, escuchando atentamente las once nuevas canciones que componen su nuevo y gran disco "Age of Miracles", salta a la vista que su valía personal se impone.

Hay sustrato blues dentro de "Automatic Blues", sabor a soul en "Age of Miracles", cierto deje hip-hop en las notas de "You Did Bomp Shooby Dooby Bomp", una postal desde Nashville que envuelve "Smallest Man In The World" y sobre todo mucha sensibilidad en "Pin A Rose On Me".

Apenas transcurridas unas horas del fallecimiento del "rais" palestino, Chuck Prophet actuó en la Sala Arena de Madrid. Acompañado por una guitarra acústica y dos micrófonos, aprovechó la ocasión y presentó temas de su novedoso trabajo discográfico "Age of Miracles", de difícil localización en las tiendas de la cadena "Manta".

El evento, apoyado por una emisora radiofónica emitente en una modulada frecuencia, gozó del beneplácito del selecto público asistente.

Hay sustrato blues, sabor a soul, cierto deje hip hop, una postal desde Nashville y sobre todo mucha sensibilidad

Billboard review, September 25, 2004

Chuck Prophet has been solo since 1990, after establishing his bona fides with California's psychedelic country punks Green on Red. But it's only on his last New West album, "No Other Love" (2002), and "Age of Miracles" (his seventh solo outing), that he has really fulfilled his great artistic potential. Commercial potential is another story: His music is, by design, difficult to classify. The whimsical choice of instruments ranges from guitar to glockenspiels, violins to Moog synths, and usually aim for a bluesy groove. But Prophet's songs are seriously beautiful, charming and unpredictable. Killer track "You Did (Bomp Shooby Dooby Bomp)" reverses the eternal question "Who Put the Bomp?" by placing the unexpected answer first. From the tragic narrative of "West Memphis Moon" to buoyant love song "Just to See You Smile," Prophet keeps the listener engaged and attentively off-balance. In "Smile," he sets up a picnic for his perfect love and brings a pack of firecrackers. Some airplay might get Prophet the explosion he deserves.



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