Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dylan y la bomba atómica

Una canción inédita de Bob Dylan ha sido encontrada en Estocolmo.

El productor musical Israel "Izzy" Goodman Young, nacido en 1928, asegura que encontró el texto de la canción "Go Away You Bomb" al ordenar su inmenso archivo de música folk. (Parece ser que el escrito ha permanecido durante 25 años reposando en un cajón).

La canción, escrita en 1963 y desconocida hasta ahora, es una protesta contra la bomba atómica que iba a formar parte de una antología en contra de la misma que Izzy Young tenía en mente realizar. Para alegría de algunos, el proyecto no llegó a materializarse.

Izzy Young, en su día propietario del mítico Folklore Center, baluarte de la música folk en Greenwich Village, y en la actualidad director del Folklore Center de Estocolmo, produjo en 1961 el primer concierto de Dylan en el Carnegie Hall de Nueva York.

IZZY YOUNG younger than today"Izzy era un entusiasta del folk de la vieja escuela, un tipo sardónico, con gruesas gafas de carey que hablaba en dialecto de Brooklyn, llevaba pantalones de lana, cinturón delgado y botas de trabajo, además de una corbata torcida. Su voz era como una apisonadora, demasiado alta para aquel espacio reducido. Izzy estaba siempre algo como mosca por una cosa u otra. Era de natural descuidadamente bondadoso. En realidad, un romántico".

Chronicles - Bob Dylan

Izzy ha hecho caso omiso a quienes le recomendaron subastar el manuscrito a través de Internet y ha afirmado que lo dejará a su hija. "La libertad es más importante que el dinero", dijo.

Bob Dylan ha confirmado la autenticidad del manuscrito, aunque reconoce no recordar el texto y cómo surgió.


Go away you Bomb get away go away
Fast right now fast quick you get me sick
My good gal don' like you none an' the kids on my corner are scared a' you
An' my friends 're gettin headaches that split an' spit an'
That kind a feelin' is rubbin' off on me an' I don' like it none too good
I hate the letters in yer word - B that means bad yer so bad that even
A dead hog in the sun would get up an' run O that stands for orrible
Yer so orrible that the word drops it's first letter and runs M
that stands for morgue an' all them folks in it 're feelin' lucky an' I don'
Mind folks feelin' lucky but I hate that feelin' of envy an' sometimes when
I get to thinkin' about how lucky they are I get envicious
of 'm an' that's a bad lonesome feelin' too B - that means bad but that's
The second time 'round so it's twice as bad

I hate you cause you make my life seem like nothin' at all
I hate you cause yer name's lost it's meaning an' you can fool anybody now
I hate you cause yer man made and man owned an' man handled
An' you might be missmade an' miss-owned an' miss handled an' even miss used
An' I hate you cause you could drop on me by accident an' kill me
An' I never liked yuh anyway - I'm against yuh to begin with
An' I hate you twice as much as Jimm Crow hates me

I want that bomb - I want it hangin' out a' my pocket an' danglin'
On my key-chain - I want it strapped to my belt buckle -
I want it stickin' out a' my boot
I want it fallin' out a' my sock
I wanna wear it on my wedding finger an' I wanna tie it with bandanas
To my head

I want that Bomb -
I want it settin in my mouth like a cigar
I want it stickin from my ears like a carrot
I wanna look in the mirror an' see it in my eyes
I want one in both hands
I want two in both arms
I want that bomb to be hangin' an' hurtin' an' shinin' an' burnin'
I want it glowing and backbiting - and whistling an' side winding
I want it showin' all over my living self
I want it breathin' from every porthole
I want it blowin' from every pore
I want it weightin' me down so I can't even walk right
I wanna get up in the mornin' an scare the day right out a' it's dawn
Then I walk into the White House an' say "DIG YOURSELVE'S".

El Lunes 19 de Marzo de 1962 Bob Dylan escribió un poema para Izzy Young:

You get a bumper and I'll get a fender
We'll go down to the Folklore Center
You get a daft and I'll get dizzy
We'll go down to see old Izzy
What did the fly say to the flea

Folklore Center is the place for me
I'll make a pie and you'll make a salad
We'll go down to see Jack Ballard (*)
What did the belt say to the suspender
You got to support the Folklore Center

(*) Worked at Folklore Center



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