Wednesday, January 09, 2008


El más antiguo de los ejercicios

(Andar determinada distancia)

(Ir de un lugar a otro dando pasos)

(Andar por distracción o por ejercicio)

tiene enormes beneficios para la salud

The way i walk
is just the way i walk
The way i walk - Jack Scott

I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
So why you wanna walk around with me?
I don't wanna walk around with you!

I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
I don't wanna walk around with you
So why you wanna walk around with me?
I don't wanna walk around with you!

I don't wanna walk around with you

El programa radiofónico "Theme Time Radio", patrocinado por la emisora "XM-Radio", ofrece cada Miércoles, durante sesenta minutos, una selección musical llevada a cabo por su anfitrión y disc-jockey Bob Dylan, quien selecciona cuidadosamente, entre su amplia colección particular, canciones relacionadas con una temática concreta.

Siguiendo su camino, Bob Dylan, para la emisión número 16 de dicho programa, ha invitado a su audiencia a una caminata, amenizada con 13 canciones -sugerente paseo sonoro- que versan sobre el gerundio "Caminando" :

The way i walk - Jack Scott & The Chantones - (1959)
Walk right in - Gus Cannon's Jug Stompers - (1930)
Walk away Renee - The Left Banke - (1966)
Walk 'em - Buddy Johnson & his Orchestra - (1945)
I'm walkin' - Fats Domino - (1957)
Walking by myself - Jimmy Rogers & Big Walter Horton - (1956)
Walk on the wild side - Lou Reed - (1972)
Only daddy that'll walk the line - Waylon Jennings - (1974)
Walkin' slow behind you - Jimmy Rushing with Count Basie & his Orchestra - (1949)
Jake walk blues - Allen Brothers - (1930)
My walking stick - Mills Brothers with Louis Armstrong - (1938)
The walk - Jimmy McCracklin - (1958)
Why i'm walking - Stonewall Jackson - (1960)


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